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Cross Brand

Cross Brand

Cross-Brand is plug and play
and fully secured


Sign Up For Free

Book a call with one of our cross-brand specialists and gain free access to our solution.

Plug your data sources

Allow us to seamlessly integrate our solution with your data sources such as Google Ads, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and more through our native integrations.

Enjoy Cross Brand!

After a few days of data collection and machine learning, you can take full advantage of all the Cross Brand features.
Book a call and test Cross Brand by yourself !

Analyze your brand trafic distribution

Monitor the distribution between your SEO and PPC traffic on branded searches and get valuable insights for your marketing strategy.

With this feature, you can easily track the percentage of clicks and impressions between organic search results and paid ads for searches related to your brand name. By understanding how your audience engages with different search results on branded queries, you can make informed decisions on your SEO and PPC investments..

Before Cross Brand, the majority of your branded traffic came from your paid campaigns.
Thanks to the active Cross-Brand mode, your paid traffic is decreasing.
Organic traffic instantly takes over, free of charge!
Before Cross Brand, you were spending tens of thousands of dollars on your branded traffic.
Thanks to our Brand Rate Optimization Algorithm, your brand spend decreases
Your brand Share of voice (blended CTR) remains flat

Model your Brand Share of Voice

Model your Brand Share of voice aka blended CTR (SEO+PPC) and monitor the impact from reducing ad spend on traffic acquisition.

Evaluate your SEO and paid advertising effectiveness and adjust your strategy accordingly. Maximize your ROI by making informed decisions on ad spend allocation. Optimize your strategy and increase your traffic and conversions quickly.

Impressed already?

Now let’s explore how Cross Brand enables you to extract the best competitive insights

Live Monitor the competition on your branded keywords

With our real-time monitoring solution, always stay one step ahead of your competition and maximize your online visibility.

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Identify the competitors whose ads appear on your branded keywords.


Spy on the most effective ads of your competitors in real-time.


Evaluate the level of aggressiveness of each of your competitors.

Detect Opportunities

Detect the opportunities left by your competitors.

Identify and Benchmark your competitors

Identify and benchmark the competitors present on your branded keywords with our tool that evaluates their presence rate.

Our solution analyzes the search landscape to identify the competitors bidding on your brand keywords. It provides insights into their presence, frequency, and performance, allowing you to understand how your brand compares to competitors in terms of visibility.

Our technology automatically identifies all competitors who are bidding on your brand.
It also evaluates the advertising pressure deployed by each competitor by calculating their presence rate.
Cross Brand models the presence rate of each of your competitors over time.
As soon as any alert factor changes (such as the appearance or disappearance of a competitor or an increase in advertising pressure), our technology immediately makes the right decisions to optimize your expenses while maximizing your brand presence.

Track your competitors over time

Our solution continuously monitors the landscape, providing you with real-time insights into the competitive activities and trends.

Track the presence rate of your competitors over time, identify new competitors, receive notifications of their appearance, and let our technology make informed decisions on advertising pressure to maximize the performance and profitability of your campaigns.

Spy on your competitors' ads

With our advanced monitoring capabilities, you can keep a close eye on your competitors’ advertising strategies and stay informed about their latest ad creatives, messaging, and targeting.

This competitive intelligence gives you valuable insights to assess their marketing tactics, identify areas for improvement, and formulate effective strategies to outperform them. Stay one step ahead in the competitive landscape by leveraging our ad spying capabilities.

Select a keyword, brand, or any other attribute and display all the ads that have been displayed during the selected period.
Spy on the most performing ads, get inspired by their creative elements, copywriting, and identify optimization opportunities for your own ads.

Ready to go further?

First-party and competitive insights now allow you to activate a fully automated Brand Rate Optimization strategy.

BRO : Brand rate optimization

Optimize your brand rate metrics to save on brand advertising expenses and reinvest them in real acquisition efforts to maximize your ROI. By closely monitoring and analyzing the performance of your brand campaigns, we can identify areas for improvement and automatically activate strategies to reduce costs while maintaining brand visibility and effectiveness.

Book a call and test Cross Brand by yourself !
Don’t waste

Reduce wasteful spending on your brand campaigns


Optimize your advertising presence for maximum effectiveness


Safeguard the integrity and reputation of your brand


Save your brand advertising spend and redirect it towards real acquisition

Never bid alone again!

With our automated bidding solution, take the guesswork out of your bidding strategy and optimize your brand campaigns for maximum performance.

Our intelligent algorithms constantly analyze data and adjust bids in real-time to ensure that you’re bidding at the right level to achieve your goals. Say goodbye to manual bidding and let our automated system handle the complexities, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your business.

At a glance, identify the keywords for which you are frequently bidding alone.
Identify the keywords on which it is possible to reduce advertising pressure, make decisions on your campaigns, or let our tech handle it.
Discover the brand keywords on which you are absent, while your competitors are running ads.
Protect your brand by activating the display of your ads on the most critical keywords.

Protect your brand from competitors

With our exclusive brand protection solution, monitor and safeguard your brand’s online presence.

Our solution detects instances where your competitors are present on your branded keywords while you are not. This valuable insight allows our tech to take strategic actions to regain visibility and maintain a strong presence in your target market. Don’t let your competitors undermine your brand reputation – take control and safeguard your brand with our powerful brand protection solution.

Optimize your brand campaigns in real-time.

With our real-time learning and optimization algorithms, you can automate and streamline your brand campaigns.

Our advanced technology continuously analyzes data and adjusts your campaigns in real-time, ensuring that you are present at the right cost per click (CPC) when it matters most, and only when it matters. By leveraging the power of automation, you can save time and resources while maximizing the effectiveness of your brand campaigns. Rest assured that our algorithms will make data-driven decisions to optimize your CPC and ensure your brand’s visibility is maximized without unnecessary spend. Let our technology do the heavy lifting and drive optimal results for your brand campaigns.

Let our algorithm autonomously manage your bidding strategy on all your brand keywords or on a selected pool of keywords.
Our intelligent technology will choose to enable or disable the display of your ads based on the presence or absence of competitors on your brand keywords.
Our algorithm can also choose to adjust the CPC of your campaigns to reduce advertising pressure when the saturation level is reached in order to optimize the profitability of your campaigns.
You have visibility into the historical performance of your campaigns prior to the activation of Cross Brand.
After activation, you can monitor in real-time the impact of our technology on the performance of your campaigns.

Maximize your brand revenue and ROI

Our solution is designed to help you optimize your brand campaigns, enhance brand awareness, and drive revenue growth.

By leveraging sophisticated targeting, data analysis, and campaign optimization techniques, we ensure that your brand campaigns are delivering the highest possible ROI. Our focus is on maximizing the impact of your brand advertising investments, ensuring they generate tangible results, increased revenue, and a positive ROI. With Cross Brand, unlock the full potential of your brand and achieve maximum profitability in your marketing efforts.

Save up to 70% of your brand spend!

By optimizing your brand rate with our cross-brand technology, you can save up to 70% on your advertising expenses.

This means you can reallocate those saved funds towards real acquisition efforts, driving more conversions and maximizing your return on investment (ROI). Our technology identifies areas where you can reduce spending on brand advertising while maintaining a strong brand presence. This allows you to allocate your resources towards more targeted acquisition campaigns, reaching new customers and driving growth for your business. With our solution, you can achieve cost savings while still achieving your acquisition goals, ultimately boosting your ROI and driving sustainable business growth.

Before activating Cross Brand, our technology accurately evaluates the potential savings you can achieve.
After activation, you successfully observe the savings achieved !